[TowerTalk] Is Cushcraft leaving the Amateur market??
david feldman
Wed, 21 Feb 2001 15:55:34 -0700
Just had to install 0.02 worth - I have gradually purged all Cu$hcrap from
the antenna farm here... After numerous miserable experiences I can only
hope they just go away. Soon. Now.....
>From: "Charlie Carroll" <k1xx@rindge.nh.ultranet.com>
>To: <towertalk@contesting.com>
>Subject: [TowerTalk] Is Cushcraft leaving the Amateur market??
>Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 15:24:24 -0500
>Last week I called Cushcraft in the hope of obtaining an element piece
>to heading to Greneda for the ARRL SSB contest. Since I'm within
>driving distance of Manchester, I wanted to stop and pick up the
>part, the same way as I have done in the past.
>Well, after a number of phone calls to their dead-end voice mail system and
>an internet order, I finally talked to a real person. I was surprised that
>they no longer allow you to stop by and pick up an order. The
>disappointment, however, came when the person I talked to said that they
>wouldn't be filling the order for 2 to 3 weeks! When I re-read their
>confirming e-mail for the internet order, I was really amazed to find
>This INCREDIBLY POOR customer service leads one to believe they are soon to
>leave the amateur market. It sure does not seem that they are doing much
>retain customers through customer service.
>Charlie, K1XX
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