[TowerTalk] marketing hype again

alsopb alsopb@gloryroad.net
Sun, 25 Feb 2001 07:01:14 +0000

This from an ad in the KA9FOX ad's list

Don't miss the peak of solar cycle 23! Vertically $ Horizontally
polarized twin feed. SPECS: 15.5db gain; F/B 45db; back rej. 45db;
Side rej. 45db; weight 34lbs; Boom length 12'; 1/1 SWR; Horiz/Vert
seperation 25db; WIND SURVIVAL 100MPH!!! Power mult
factor 50X; Audio Gain 20db; Wind Load 3.7; UPS shippable $40 CONUS.

Anybody want to buy a bridge?

73 de Brian/K3KO

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