[TowerTalk] Rohn hardware sizes??
Stan or Patricia Griffiths
Fri, 20 Jul 2001 06:50:27 -0700
W0UN--Signal Hill Ranch wrote:
> At 09:05 AM 2001-07-19, you wrote:
> > Does anyone happen to know the leg bolt sizes of Rohn 45 ? We have
> >been given almost 200 feet of nearly new rohn 45 just to remove it.
> >Inspection shows that in spite of a professional installation, the tower only
> >has 1 set of bolts in each leg......ie: large bolt in some sections....small
> >bolt in others......no idea as to why it was done this way, but we want it
> >all bolted together to safely disassemble.
> > Thanks in advance...
> > Bob '4t
> Bob--
> That was NOT a professional installation--I don't care WHO did it.
Wow! I second that motion!
> OLD Rohn catalog shows 3 ---- 5/16" dia x 2-3/8" long NC bolts
> and 3 ---- 7/16" dia x 2-1/4" long NC bolts per Rohn 45 section.
> Rohn has been using SAE bolts more recently with NF threads on
> Rohn 25 -- not sure about 45.
On the shipment of 45G I got from Rohn about two weeks ago, the bolts were coarse
threaded. I have bolt kits available for 45G in two types of plating. Look at my web
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