[TowerTalk] Large Navy Antenna Farm in N. California

Mark Fancher mmfancher@earthlink.net
Fri, 27 Jul 2001 23:56:32 -0400

A few years ago, I was stationed at Travis AFB, CA near Sacramento.  One
day, I was taking a ride through the countryside when I came across a huge -
I mean huge antenna farm.  It had all kinds of very tall towers, shorter
towers and curtain arrays.  It was a ham's fantasy come true!

I remember it was a Navy installation, but it didn't seem to be active
anymore.  In fact, from what I recall, the base housing looked like it had
been converted into county government housing for poor immigrant workers.

This installation was about 10-20 miles north of Vacaville.

Does anyone know what this base was used for, and is it still used by remote

Maybe someone on Tower Talk was actually stationed there?

Mark Fancher, WO9G

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