[TowerTalk] Antenna Raising Injury

Josh T kb0gus@hotmail.com
Fri, 01 Jun 2001 07:32:03 -0500

Well, After starting the lengthy conversation about electrical safety (Thank 
you all for your comments... I will worry more about that when I decide to 
re-do my antenna layout)... Anyway, I decided to put up a 30/15m dipole.. I 
started too late last Sat night and by they time I had the antenna made it 
was dark... I have pulley at the top of my 35 foot mast and I was raising 
that antenna along with my G5RV back up when my hand slipped off the rope... 
Well, both centers of my 2 dipoles came quickly down from 34 1/2 feet (I was 
almost there) and hit me right above the eyebrow... I DIDN'T EVEN SEE IT 

Well I tried one more time to raise the antennas up, but had to stop because 
of the blood in my eyes...

After my trip to the hospital and 5 stitches later, I came back... and 
finally got my antennas back up...

And they work great... very close to 1/1 swr on 30...

Just though you all would get a kick out of my antenna raising experience... 
and it was worth every stitch... hi

Josh - KB0GUS
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