[TowerTalk] Pier pin vs. burying in concrete

n4kg@juno.com n4kg@juno.com
Fri, 1 Jun 2001 09:54:53 -0600

On Fri, 1 Jun 2001 1<n3rr@erols.com> writes:
> What exactly do you mean?  A finger on his hand?  What's the context?

Yes, a finger of his hand went into the open internal space 
of the tower leg that was encased in concrete.
> What legs are you talking about?  What happened to the tower?

Yes, the TOWER Leg.  The tower rotated, shearing off all three legs
at the top  of the concrete pad.  The legs were then resting on the
concrete in a position not in line with the bottom portion of the 
bottom section, which was still encased in the concrete base.
He made a frame and poured more concrete around the portion
of the bottom section that was above ground.  The tower is still
standing.  I hope that paints a better picture.   Tom  N4KG

> > a finger went down into a hole.  
> > to SHEAR OFF all 3 legs!

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