[TowerTalk] Guying material/cost

JBaumgarte@aol.com JBaumgarte@aol.com
Wed, 6 Jun 2001 11:51:59 EDT

With all the talk about the expense of guying (phily and EHS), it might be a 
good time to remind folks to check out Rohn 55 over 45.  I have 110' of 55 
with a 20' mast and it's guyed in two places--50 & 100.  Has lots of antennas 
on it (spread out from 52 to 125'), PE approved, and certainly has a lot less 
footage of whatever guy line you chose.  Once you have tried 55 you won't go 
back to 45.  Price might not be too different --110' Rohn 45 with 3 
sets--Rohn 55 with two sets.  The big expense is that 20' 1/2" wall 133,000 
PSI mast! 

John, N0IJ

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