[TowerTalk] Guys and things

Barry Kirkwood bjk@ihug.co.nz
Mon, 11 Jun 2001 18:53:40 +1200

Been following the guy discussion with interest.
Point of information:
For us benighted folk outside the USA, what is "Phillystran"?
To continue:
I have had a lifelong interest in both sailing and amateur radio.
One thing they have in common is that products sold in these markets are
vastly overpriced compared with comparable products marketed for other
consumers. (An exception might be ham transceivers, but that is another
My mind boggles when I hear $5 US ea for what I presume to be compression
(egg) insulators to break guys in relatively modest service. I can buy whole
bags full of electric fence insulators on the expensive ZL market for $5 US.
I do not have the numbers on them, but would be surprised if they failed in
service. They have never looked like doing so for me.
The same thing goes for thimbles, shackles, rigging screws etc if you buy
them from farm or industrial suppliers rather than marine or radio
For smaller installations plain fence wire with ratchet tensioners does a
great job for guys and costs peanuts.
If Phillystran is Kevlar, then hunt around commercial fishing boat
suppliers. You might go into shock when you find how cheap these guys sell
I read the QSTs of the 1930s and 1950s and marvel at how things have changed
in the USA.
By the way, when you find a way of terminating Kevlar without writing off
most of its strength and weight advantage let us know.
This will surely help us hang on to the America's Cup for another decade or

Barry Kirkwood PhD ZL1DD
Signal Hill Homestay
66 Cory Road
Palm Beach
Waiheke Island 1240

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