[TowerTalk] Ginpole for 20 foot sections

Stan or Patricia Griffiths w7ni@easystreet.com
Mon, 11 Jun 2001 16:56:18 -0700

You can always use an ordinary gin pole to set the big gin pole in place.


Frank & Barb Ayers wrote:

> Richard Thorne wrote -
> >I think its called a crane :-).  I've helped put up several 25g and
> >45g towers in my ham career.  The 45g sections usually
> >required 2 if not 3 people to pull the section up
> >safely.  I'm sure some sort of winch would be required to pull up
> >420lbs assuming you could find/manufacture a gin pole that would handle it.
> Another thought. A gin pole hefty enough to handle that kind of load on a 20
> foot section would  itself be quite unwieldy to raise after each new section
> is put in place.
> Frank
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List Sponsor: Are you thinking about installing a tower this summer? Call us
for information on our fabulous Trylon Titan self-supporting towers - up to
96-feet for less than $2000! at 888-833-3104 <A HREF="http://www.ChampionRadio.com">

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