[TowerTalk] Sinking Tower...

David L. Thompson thompson@mindspring.com
Fri, 15 Jun 2001 18:22:40 -0400

N4KG is right on the downward thrust on the tower base.  I remember the W0/5
in Louisiana telling me that sinking tower bases is very common in BC and SW
and his tower base sank 2 inches per year.   He was involved with a 1000
foot tower and they put down a pier of
concrete and gravel below the actual base.   I think N4KG's advice and
resetting the guys will suffice for a guyed tower.   On a crank up like I
have there is an adjustment on the base pins (made from 1" universal bolt).
There is 3" of bolt above the concrete base and I have a big wrench made by
Lou Tristao that I use to adjust the level.   A crank up should be as close
to level as possible!  I adjust mine each spring and then adjust the guys
(If you have a guyed crank up).

Dave K4JRB

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