[Antennas] Re: [TowerTalk] Half Wave Verticals @ WWV/VH

antipode antipode@ne.mediaone.net
Sun, 17 Jun 2001 09:06:04 -0700

Apparently I had a broken O/S!  Weird!  Anyway it's all fixed now with
the help of a generous friend.  The WWV link works fine as I suspected
it was going to after everyone else indicated thay weren't having the
problem.  Knew then it was something wrong with my machine.


"Robert B. Frost" wrote:
> Worked for me.
> Bob Frost
> Jim Reid wrote:
> > > When I try the WWV URL below you've provided, it
> > > appears to be password protected.  What gives?
> >
> > It is not protected,  it is a public site for NIST publicity
> > and their survey.  Did you type the URL,  of just click
> > on it?  Maybe you mistyped?  Don't know,  comes up
> > fine for me.  Have not heard of a problem from anyone
> > else....others having a problem?
> >
> > 73,  Jim   KH7M
> >
> > ------
> > Submissions: antennas@qth.net

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