[TowerTalk] Yaesu Rotors

Pete Smith n4zr@contesting.com
Mon, 18 Jun 2001 06:59:36 -0400

At 08:51 PM 6/17/01 -0700, N7US wrote:
>Besides Yaesu, W9KNI of Bencher may be selling them now.  He had a prototype
>at Dayton.  I have a G-2800SDX but don't have the RS-232 (yet).
>Jim N7US
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Larry Stowell" <lclarks@nc.rr.com>
>To: <towertalk@contesting.com>
>Sent: Sunday, June 17, 2001 5:06 PM
>Subject: [TowerTalk] Yaesu Rotors
>Has anybody come up with a rs232 hook up to the G2800???

Either the EA4TX controller or the Sartek should work just fine, and they
are a darned sight less expernsive than Yaesu's own.

73, Pete N4ZR
No, no ... that's WEST Virginia

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