[TowerTalk] Homeowners assoc denied roof mount tower request

krishna kkanakas@cisco.com
Wed, 20 Jun 2001 18:18:13 -0400

 This is the same issue that has happened over and over to a lot of

 I live in Herndon, VA in a single family home.
 There is no clause that restricts any antennas in the homeowners
 assoc document.
 I requested permission to put up a 8ft roof mounted GM tower for
 the mosley tribander beam.

 The architectural control committee denied it.

 I justified the need for the tower because we have snow/ice in the
 area. I had presented photos of a Qth in california with the antenna on
mast but added that since the winters are harsh, we need the tower for
safety reasons.

 I have a TV antenna on the edge of the house along the eve and on top
of the
 TV mast is a 15ft telescopic aluminum golf ball retriever pole,
 that i use to hold my inv-V. This is just about 11 ft away from the
property line.
 They wanted me to put the tower at this location. What a joke.
 That is a direct violation of the building codes. The mosley will be
about 5/6 feet
 into the neighbours property.

 They do not want the tower to be visible.

 Now i have the ball in my court.
 I can appeal. I would like to hear on how to proceed with this issue.
 I am appealing the decision along with a request for a personal
 meeting with the board to explain( ???? height, wind, radiation, FCC

 On getting in touch with the town officials, i was told that getting a
 permit will not be a problem, since the town already permits amateur
They took my application and i think it will not be an issue.

 After this, i feel like, i want to have 3 towers in my small city lot.
One in the front, and the rear yard and the 3rd one on the roof.

 I just want to be prepared for a legal solution in case things don't
work well.
 As far as the neighbours, they will not be a problem. I can get
no-objection letters
 from the ones around.

 So any suggestions on how to proceed will be appreciated. I am really

 I had taken a lot of pains to refurbish the antenna and tune it.
 My thanks are due to N1RJ Ron for his help. My thanks are due to this
 since it is a great source of knowledge.

Damn, i am not going to sleep without that antenna up in the air.


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