[TowerTalk] Tilt antenna questions

Kenneth Hirschberg info@cal-av.com
Sun, 24 Jun 2001 11:33:09 -0700

Steve - You might consider a tilt cradle design, such as used on the booms
for large beams, and a linear actuator.
Ken, K6HPX
----- Original Message -----
From: <K7LXC@aol.com>
To: <towertalk@contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2001 10:53 AM
Subject: [TowerTalk] Tilt antenna questions

> Howdy, TowerTalkians --
>     Here's a question that has never been asked on TowerTalk before!
> pretty rare but nonetheless pop up occasionally.
>     What I need to do is to tilt a KT34A from its normal horizontally
> polarized position to a vertical position. The antenna will be mounted on
> UST crank-up and the antenna needs to be vertical when the tower is down
> the antenna can be "stored" in a vertical position when it's not being
> The problem is due to the fact that the antenna hangs over the neighbor's
> property and the neighbor has asked that it not be over his property when
> it's not being used.
>     Okay. So what I've got is a moderately small triband antenna with a 3"
> boom. I want to use the Yaesu G-550 elevation rotator which has a boom
> capacity of 1-5/8" (1.625"). The options as I see them are: 1) convert the
> boom to a 1-5/8" one or 2) put some sort of smaller boom splice in the
> so that the part of the antenna at the elevation rotator will fit thru it.
>     Option 1 means that the 3" KLM insulated Lexan element brackets will
> either have to be scrapped or adapted to the smaller boomsize. Any ideas
> to do either one?
>     Option 2 means some 'cut-and-hack' work on the boom plus some machine
> shop fabrication but lets me use the rest of the existing boom and
>     Wadda ya think? Can you think of any other options? All input
> Cheers & tnx,    Steve    K7LXC
> Tower Tech
> List Sponsor: Are you thinking about installing a tower this summer? Call
> for information on our fabulous Trylon Titan self-supporting towers - up
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> www.ChampionRadio.com</A>
> -----
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