[TowerTalk] Engineering antenna

Ford Peterson ford@cmgate.com
Thu, 8 Mar 2001 20:02:26 -0600

I am interested in looking at the effectiveness of modeling as a true
predictor of feedpoint and loading issues.

In many fields of engineering, there are standard devices used to test.
E.g. dummies in autos for crash tests; I've seen engineering potholes at the
MTS facility in Minnesota; toilet makers use little balls of puddy with a
single string connecting them (guess what those are!)  I want to know if
anybody has actually studied antennas.

Specifically, an antenna x' long, y' high, z" diameter and configured thus
and so will yield a feedpoint impedance of R+/-j ohms and exhibit G dB gain
over a iso radiator, etc.?  Build a NEC model, build the actual antenna,
measure, and compare.  Is there such a thing as an engineering antenna?

Any input is greatly appreciated.


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