[TowerTalk] Tower Repair

Steve Maki steve@oakcom.com
Sun, 11 Mar 2001 14:03:05 -0500

K3BU@aol.com wrote:

>> snip...Result is that one of the tower legs is doglegged /
>> bent quite noticeably, like mebbe 2" inside tower from vertical ... bend is
>> just a few inches above the top of the concrete base in which the tower
>> sits....snip..
>> > de Dave nc7w >>
>Interesting to see the variety of opinions on fixing that bend in the tower 
>leg, from safemongers, to scaremongers, to lawyer solicitors.
>If it was my tower, I would make wooden form around the injured part, pour 
>the concrete around it and enjoy the raised base. Kinda, sitting in the cast 
>that is many times stronger than original structure and without disturbing 
>Bottom part of the guyed tower is stressed on compression, encapsulating it 
>in the concrete is the least disturbing/dangerous remedy and only ads to 
>overall base function. Cost is some scrap wood and bunch of bags of cement 
>and some sweat mixing it on a sunny day.

I agree Yuri.

This method was used very successfully on a local 120' Rohn 45.

Since the new concrete won't bond to the old, and it is likely
that there will be unseen corrosion happening at the junction
of the old & new concrete, from that point on the tower should be
considered a single point base structure. IOW, during removal,
it should be assumed that the base has zero bending resistance.

As long as the guy system remains intact, and good concrete was
used, such a repair should be a long term, safe solution. 

Steve K8LX

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