[TowerTalk] Towers, Tiltovers and otherwise.

Barry Kirkwood bjk@ihug.co.nz
Sun, 18 Mar 2001 19:21:12 +1200

Quite interesting looking in from the Second World:

Attitude seems to be if it is not manufactured you go without.
Am also amazed by the statement that a an amateur beam antenna system,
rotator etc should only need attention every ten years.
Of course environment makes a difference. A while back, at considerable
expense I installed a trap beam antenna made in Minnesota, I believe.
It soon became obvious that the people who made it were a long way from salt
Given only a moderate bit of bad wx the traps had failed due to salt
corrosion within three weeks.
Advice from a local dealer and RSGB is that no product gives more problems
and failures than rotators.
Back in the 1960s QST gave the design of the "Paul Bunyan Whip": a 60ft
tiltable mast. Local versions of it are still standing and doing fine.
No, I do not have a tiltover tower. Only because the configuration of my lot
does not have enough space for one when horizontal.
Have also heard of late that the famous ARRL Antenna Book "A frame mast" is
a joke. Out here the numerous A frames standing after 70 years or so are at
a loss to see the joke.
Force 12 advise that like any other mechanical system a beam antenna needs
maintenance, like pulling the joints apart and cleaning and regooing,
replacing or cleaning connectors etc.

Just now I heard a rumbling sound.
Not an earthquake.
Just The Old Man (W1AW) turning in his grave, brandishing his Rettysnitch.


Barry Kirkwood PhD ZL1DD
Signal Hill Homestay
66 Cory Road
Palm Beach
Waiheke Island 1240

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