[TowerTalk] problems with 10m COMTEK 4 sq unit

Dinsterdog@aol.com Dinsterdog@aol.com
Sun, 18 Mar 2001 15:19:50 EST


I have just completed a revised version of a 40 meter 1/2 wave dipole 4SQR.  
I also expereinced a few problems with the dipole array, but none were 
related the Comtek Hybred Coupler.  I instead found some siginificant 
differences in the way the dipoles were set up and positioned.  I measured my 
feedlines with the balins off........found the velocity factor to be around 
81% and made a few minor adjustment that I doubt would ever make a measurable 

Brass tacks, what is your F/B like?? Have you tested the 50 ohm dummy load 
with the antennas attached?  Are you getting power dumped into the load? If 
it's a bad line to the dummy load, you won't notice the array working ........

>From my experience of using the comtek system, I suggest first to measure 
F/B.  If you don't noitce any,  check the dummy load connection.  If it is 
hooked up right, and you see the power dump varying across the band, then you 
have some sort of array action going-  Also, look for a resonant jump in the 
array vs were the individual dipoles are tuned.

Sounds like you already know about these types of test, but just very curious 
as to the spacing, dimensions of the dipoles, etc......can you give some 
information regarding this???? 

I have had a few years of experience with Comtek Systems and have found their 
equipment to be very, very relaible- Maybe you got a hybred coupler 
accidently shipped to you for the wrong band? Will be interesting to see 
whats up-

73  Paul  N0AH 

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