[TowerTalk] coax attenuation question

Dinsterdog@aol.com Dinsterdog@aol.com
Wed, 21 Mar 2001 17:55:20 EST

I use jumpers from my IC756 to my Ameritron AL800 amp.  Occassionally, I 
notice that certain bands, mostly the low bands, become effected with signal 
attentuation coming into the rig.  The coax checks ok with a meter, but what 
might happening to it over time to cause this...I change out the coax, and 
the newer coax cures the problem- but the old coax seems to look ok......any 
suggestions or ideas?? 

When I do end up changing out the coax jumper, sometimes, I have to go 
through 2 or 3 different lengths to get one that works- I've had 3 footers up 
to 20 feet.......all RG8X......I just chalk it up to the DX gods but what 
might be happening here and any suggestions on curing the problem-???  Of 
note, I did have a piece once that work just fine except on 12 meters, when I 
changed it out, everything was good again until after about a year-

73  Paul  N0AH

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