[TowerTalk] rope in elements

Richard L. King k5na@texas.net
Mon, 26 Mar 2001 14:35:38 +0000

At 23:15 3/23/01 +0000, you wrote:
>I was wondering if any one on the reflector has any
>comments about the pros and cons of putting rope in beam
>elements. It seems that the tips are always the first part
>of the beam to self eject. I tried an elements with and
>without rope and there was a slight reduction in vibration
>with the rope (spinning an element by hand) es just
>wondering if there is an other benefit. Also any comments
>about a Cushcraft XM520 used without the truss on the
>boom, it's going on a ring rotator so it would be simpler
>without the truss.
>tu es 73 Steve

I have an XM520 assembled on the ground awaiting an opportunity to go up on 
the tower. It has a lot of sag in the boom without the truss attached. Too 
much sag, in my opinion, to put it in the air without using the truss.

73, Richard


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