[TowerTalk] ProSisTel/BigBoy
david feldman
Tue, 27 Mar 2001 09:38:23 -0700
I've been using the "61" with "C" box since last fall on a
Force 12 C49XR mounted to Rohn 45G.
It has been a good combination with the following exceptions:
1. At the time of purchase last year there was no standard 45G
compatible rotor accessory plate - minor grinding, drilling was
necessary (I did not want to follow the advice of prosistel to
turn the motor sideways as I thought that would encourage water
intrusion.) I'd see if this has been rectified because it would
save quite a bit of effort in integration.
2. The "C" box here sometimes turns the rotor the "wrong way"
(i.e., for me going past the southern most direction) on it's way
from one heading to another - I believe this can be corrected by
resetting the end-of-rotation limits, but I haven't done this yet,
so I just work around by watching for this situation.
3. When changing from the original box to the "C" box the azimuth
calibration was then incorrect and the antenna needed to be
physically repointed. I haven't tried going from "C" to orig to
see if the orig box has a different calibration method; in any
event this was just an inconvenience due to need for use of the
orig box before the "C" box was available.
4. At first install the motor was *VERY* noisy - turned out to be
slight mechanical interaction between motor fan & housing cover; the
housing cover metal grate is made of *VERY* thin metal and was
quite subject to damage during installation (but not hard to fix
once the culprit was found.)
5. The "C" box has a requirement that you power it up every 6 months
or so (I'm not always very active) to avoid losing firmware. YECCH!
>From: "Chris Burger" <chrisb@prism.co.za>
>Reply-To: <chrisb@prism.co.za>
>To: <towertalk@contesting.com>
>Subject: [TowerTalk] ProSisTel/BigBoy
>Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 16:39:19 +0200
>I'm looking at the ProSisTel/BigBoy rotators to turn a tower or two.
>Although I've heard about various concerns regarding shipping etc., I have
>heard no feedback on their technical merits (or otherwise). On paper, they
>seem to be just what I need.
>Is there anyone who has actually used these beasts, especially the PST-61
>and/or the electronic control box (I believe it is called Model C)?
>Failing that, is there anyone who knows of a source of prop pitch rotors
>with decent control boxes?
>Chris R. Burger
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