[TowerTalk] micro-reflectors

Guy Olinger, K2AV k2av@contesting.com
Thu, 3 May 2001 14:16:33 -0400

I also have the problem of many emails to deal with, both on the reflectors, and at work.

The typical load at work can be anywhere from a couple dozen to over 400. A lot of those are noise, some are machine generated, "notifications" that processes have run, etc.

It is important that the subject line is concise and accurate. That allows notifies and others to be seen and deleted. In case one is odd or interesting, I can open it. 

I do the same thing with towertalk. I will delete threads I don't want to read, counting on the SUBJECT to correspond to what people are talking about. 

Allowing broad content on TowerTalk, and using this tactic GIVES ME THE CHOICE to read or not. 

Others seem to think that a reflector should somehow confine itself to their preference of subjects. I understand the sentiment, but simply do not agree that is less work overall. 

The hobby is complex enough that there will always be overlapping subjects and ALWAYS be someone dissatisfied with the level of "off-topic" posts. 

One useful aspect of the current towertalk sure to lose with split reflectors is the searching aspect, unless a global (cross-reflector, with text) search is implemented. 

I found it curious that one poster felt obliged to read all the content on the reflector if he subscribed. On some days when I have just a few minutes to read direct personal mail and it's been that way for a while, I just delete the entire content from some or all the reflectors. Other days I would prefer to browse. Since they all have archives, I can always search on a hot subject and will pick up any relevant posts I deleted at that time.

I know that micro reflectors will introduce some possibilities, but some of the "generalist" aspects will suffer, and it may engender a fresh breed of self-appointed "topic police".

In any event, I remain indebted to W4AN, K7LXC, AD1C, et al, for all that has been accomplished and will utilize and support their future offerings, however that may differ from howIwouldadoneit.

73 y'all, Guy.

> From: "Barry Kutner" <w2up@mindspring.com>
> Date: 2001/05/03 Thu AM 11:26:26 EDT
> To: w4an@contesting.com, towertalk@contesting.com
> Subject: [TowerTalk] micro-reflectors
> Hi Bill et al,
> Good luck with your new business venture. Regarding your 
> comments yesterday about more specialized reflectors (micro-
> relflectors?) I offer the following comments:
> I find towertalk to be a good resource, even with occasional off-
> topic postings. The potential problem, as I see it, creating micro-
> reflectors, for specific sub-topics such as lightning protection, is we 
> will lose a lot of pariticipation by readers and "experts."  

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