[TowerTalk] New Book Release: Cubical Quads - VOLUME 2 by L.B. Cebik
Sun, 13 May 2001 09:40:29 EDT
Cheers, Steve K7LXC
Tower Tech
>> **** ANNOUNCEMENT ****
antenneX Online Magazine is pleased to announce its publication of L.B.
Cebik's latest book, Cubical Quad Notes Volume 2: Rethinking the Quad Beam.
Here it is! Our much-requested release of VOLUME 2 of this new two-book
series by L.B. Cebik. The popular Volume 1 in this pair reviewed existing
quad designs and uncovered a number of factors that had not been fully
appreciated. Volume 2 picks up where Volume 1 leaves off and considers other
ways to design the Quad and further optimize its potential. This 240-page
book is fully illustrated with over 200 sketches, graphs, modeling
exercises, antenna patterns and some useful GW Basic utilities.
Also, we are running a couple of discount specials on this new Volume that
may be purchased in softcover or eBOOK on CD-ROM or direct download from our
Secure Web Site. A 2-Volume special sale for the set of books on Quads is
now available too!
For more information, goto:
...Or, visit the main menu for a variety of new releases by antenneX Online
Hope to see you soon and thanks for your time!
Best reGARDS,
Jack L. Stone, Publisher
antenneX Online Magazine
jack@antennex.com >>
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