[TowerTalk] thoughts about property layout
Mike O'Brien
Sun, 27 May 2001 22:31:33 -0500
I vote with those who say bury the powerline drop. Why take chances?
That's why I buried ours last year as a preliminary step to putting up
my tower.
However, I must say I am jealous to read of the experiences of others
who report their utility companies have assisted in such operations for
little or no fee. Our utility charged me $900 just to bring the power to
the base of the pole in the corner of the backyard -- and being a
municipal utility, I am part owner of the danged outfit!
I was told that local rules also demanded the wires then be pulled
through PVC conduit by a licensed electrician from the base of the pole
to the house entrance panel. So it cost me, in total, about $1,500 to
have our electric service buried on our property.
While I wish it haden't made such a dent my my wallet, I have spent
more money less wisely. I haven't for one peaceful moment regretted
burying our lines...
Springfield, Missouri
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