[TowerTalk] How to mount choke balun?

Tom Anderson ww5l@gte.net
Thu, 15 Nov 2001 22:07:42 -0600

Tom, Bill:

I've got a Mosley Classic 33 WARC and they recommend an 8 inch diameter coil of RG8 for that antenna, 10 inch if you use the 40m kit on the ends
of the driven element.
Tom, WW5L

Tom Osborne wrote:

> Bill Coleman wrote:
> > >On 11/4/01 12:07 AM, Rod Elliott at elliottr@hurontel.on.ca wrote:
> > >Also, any suggestions for the best way to attach the coil to the boom?
> >
> > Wind the coil on a piece of 4" PVC pipe. Make the pipe a few >inches longer than the coil. Use a U-bolt to hold the PVC pipe >to the boom.
> I may be wrong, but I thought the coils need to be at least 8" in
> diameter to work.  Isn't winding RG8 in a 4" circle kinda
> stressing it a bit?  73
> Tom W7WHY
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List Sponsored by AN Wireless:  AN Wireless handles Rohn tower systems,
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