[TowerTalk] Theory's great... but what about the 'How To'?

K3BU@aol.com K3BU@aol.com
Fri, 12 Oct 2001 11:02:43 EDT

In a message dated 10/12/01 10:49:36 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
blueis@sprintmail.com writes:

>  I am aware of the ARRLs antenna handbook.  But is there one which YOU find
>  quite good... one which has principles and explanations, projects to build
>  working models, etc.?  I would appreciate your recommendations.

The usual scenario is, one gets interested in ham radio and antennas, so the 
exploration and learning process starts by getting the "bibles" like ARRL 
Handbook and Antenna Book. There is enough info for understanding the 
antennas and to get going. Then when one matures and becomes crazy DXer or 
"worse," contester, search begins for the ultimate killer arrays and fine 
tuning and squeezing every half dB out of the systems. This is when you start 
buying all the books you can, building and experimenting with stuff to get 
that edge over the competition. Some are happy with commercial stuff, just 
put it up and enjoy. Some are not happy and want to push the envelope and 
this is where brains and sweat come in. 

I would start with ARRL Antenna Book, Antenna compendia, then the wealth of 
information is in other books (textbooks, Moxon: HF Antennas for all 
Locations, ...) and magazines going back some 70 years.

This is still one area that is not "done" - lot of room for experimentation 
and inventing.

GL  Yuri, K3BU

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