[TowerTalk] C31XR

Pete Smith n4zr@contesting.com
Mon, 29 Oct 2001 09:01:34 -0500

>A common failure with 9913 is water ingress.  This could increase the
>attenuation, making the SWR even closer to 1.  A good test is to hook up a
>non-matching load, say 150 ohms (my choice, since my my instrument is most
>accurate at 3:1 SWR measurement) and check the measured SWR.

Alternatively, connect an Autek or MFJ antenna meter to the length of
feedline with the other end open, and tune for the lowest Z reading.  By a
simple formula (maybe directly with the MFJ) you can get a number for the
loss in that line at the test frequency, to compare with the spec.

73, Pete N4ZR

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