[TowerTalk] tower strength question

ajhuddle@inet.uni2.dk ajhuddle@inet.uni2.dk
Sat, 01 Sep 2001 17:26:01 +0200

Hello, for the first time!

I have a free-standing (not guyed) 3-legged lattice tower which is 90
feet high. It has had a 10 ele HF log periodic at the top for 8 years,
wind load of the antenna is 14 sq. ft. and it weighs about 90 lbs

I have put a TIC-ring at 60 feet (weighs 95 lbs) and want to put
another identical antenna (14 sq. ft. 90 lbs) on this rotor.

I just wondered if anyone could help me to work out whether the tower
can take this load, whether I should consider guying the tower etc.

I have searched the internet and these archives but it is difficult to
know how to proceed.

Kindest regards from Denmark


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