[TowerTalk] True or Not True?
Mon, 3 Sep 2001 04:22:44 -0700
>In building a 1/2 wave dipole 4 SQR 40 meter array, the answer to this
>question was critical in my understanding of why the positive side of the
>dipole went up and why the distance between the tops of the dipoles (ends of
>the positivie side) was critical in making the array a better performer.
>Bringing the tips of the dipoles out away from one another and positioning
>them over the feedpoints made the average spacing between elements improve
>the array. It also helped me understand why the bottom of the dipoles
>(negaitive side) could be positioned to better fit my tower installation
>without the distance between them being as critical. Understanding 1/2 wave
>dipole theory, as it pertained to where the antenna radiated most of it's
>energy, was important. In practice, moving the tips of the top of the
>dipoles away from each other made the array better by improving the F/B and
>making it more efficient, explained by the radiation pattern of the 1/2
>wave dipoles. I think it was/is a good topic for TT.
tnx, Paul. It seem that, like Sears' auto batteries, hamdom's old
wives' tales Die Hard.
- R. L. Measures, 805.386.3734,AG6K, www.vcnet.com/measures.
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