[TowerTalk] Resonance of loaded Parasitic Elements

Clive GM3POI gm3poi@btinternet.com
Thu, 6 Sep 2001 13:01:14 -0000

The way I did it was to first design a 2el Mono on the PC at my operating
height of 100ft and then check the resonant frequency of both the driven and
reflector at the PC. Then bring the height either down to a practical height
horizontally or vertical and again check for the change in resonance of each
     You can then take each of your loaded elements and tune them to those
frequencies (making a break in the centre of the reflector works for this
Then raise your antenna to its operating height and away you go, Mine worked
straight off and required no tuning. 73 Clive GM3POI
----- Original Message -----
From: "K&L" <kmccourt@tbaytel.net>
To: <towertalk@contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2001 1:47 AM
Subject: [TowerTalk] Resonance of loaded Parasitic Elements

> Hi All , I am in the process of building a loaded two element 40 beam. I
> have the driven element finished and its total length is 43` it is
> @ 7.150. What would the most practical way to tune the reflector be ?
> I split & insulate the reflector , mount it on the boom and check the
> resonate frequency ?  Is  5 %  longer a good length ? I am not quite sure
> the best way method to use .  Would like to get some input on this .
> 73   Kevin
> List Sponsored by AN Wireless:  AN Wireless handles Rohn tower systems,
> Trylon Titan towers, coax, hardline and more. Also check out our self
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List Sponsored by AN Wireless:  AN Wireless handles Rohn tower systems,
Trylon Titan towers, coax, hardline and more. Also check out our self
supporting towers up to 96 feet for under $1500!!  http://www.anwireless.com

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