[TowerTalk] Will-Burt dropping Tri-Com amateur tower line

Joe Subich, K4IK w8ik@subich.com
Tue, 25 Sep 2001 21:27:31 -0400

Don't take "leaving the amateur market" too literally.  I spent 
some time talking with my contacts at Will-Burt on Monday (my 
business is a large user of their pneumatic mast product).  Will-
Burt are simply not ready to sell a complete amateur product 
line at this time for several reasons. 

1) the demand for their trailer mounted towers used in the cellular, 
   construction and military/government markets is overwhelming. 

2) documentation for the amateur line was very much lacking.  The 
   amateur products had been produced almost by tribal lore for 
   some time.  It was not possible to simply go back to the old 
   drawings and the commercial demand has kept their staff too 
   busy to do the necessary design and documentation work. 

3) there were significant problems with the amateur distribution 
   system they inherited.  I notice the former "manufacturers 
   representative" for amateur product has been dropped from the 
   listings on the Will-Burt web site. 

At some point I fully expect Will-Burt (TriEx) to be back in 
the amateur market.  I don't expect to see that until Will-Burt 
can get caught up with the demands of the commercial and 
government markets (particularly since every government agency 
is now in crisis mode).  I plan to visit the Will-Burt facility in 
Orrville, OH sometime in the next six weeks and will report any 
information I can gather then. 


   ... Joe, K4IK 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-towertalk@contesting.com
> [mailto:owner-towertalk@contesting.com]On Behalf Of Wes Cosand
> Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 8:35 PM
> To: towertalk@contesting.com
> Subject: [TowerTalk] Will-Burt dropping Tri-Com amateur tower line
> In an email the sales manager for Will-Burt says they have a 54 
> ft. crankup and a 70 ft motorized tower in stock.  After they are 
> sold, the company is leaving the amateur market.
> Wes, WZ7I

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