[Towertalk] ground rod length question

Chris BONDE ve7hcb@rac.ca
Wed, 10 Apr 2002 16:38:58 -0700

I just had a new electrical in box etc.  They used a copper plate about 
18in deep in the ground.  The ground rods for the electrical system are no 
longer used.  The only reason I received was, " its code."

Chris opr VE7HCB

At 04:07 PM 2002-04-09 -0400, A9xw@cs.com wrote:
>It depends on your ground conductivity.  Check local ordinances or
>electrician.  usually 8 to 12 foot is enuf. If you have 16 foot rods, drive
>them in and make sure you have a very tight connection to the tower legs.  I
>use cadweld and 500 MCM or larger connecting buss.
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