[Towertalk] Guy Grip Question

Stan & Patricia Griffiths w7ni@easystreet.com
Wed, 10 Apr 2002 16:51:40 -0700

>     Wrap the second leg around the guy wire. You want to finish the short
> first so concentrate on that one; it'll go on nice and easy by twisting
> leg. The long leg will wrap easily just about to the end. If you can't get
> the end of the strands to go around by using your fingers (bending the guy
> wire helps), gently use a screwdriver to get the ends to wrap.
>     The factory would like you to put a tie wrap around the end to keep
> strands from unravelling. I've never encountered that situation but it is
> probably due to ice or something else fairly uncommon.
>     They're quick - they're easy - aren't you glad you're using them?
> Cheers,
> Steve    K7LXC
> Professional tower services for amateurs

This is one of those times when LXC himself does not follow the "LXC Prime
Directive".  I specfically remember reading in the Official Rohn Book that
when you use guy grips, you MUST always use end sleeves (NOT tie wraps) with
them.  They don't say why but if you can install a guy grip with your hands
and nothing more than a screw driver, then it stands to reason that you (or
any kid or vandal) can remove one the same way.  If any guy grips are
accessable from the ground, I would strongly recommend installing end
sleeves to discourage, or at least slow down, a vandal or an irrate
neighbor.  See page HA101 in your Rohn Book for installation procedure.
