[Towertalk] 620/340
Phil Duff
Sun, 14 Apr 2002 12:56:31 +0000
At 23:49 4/13/2002 -0400, K7LXC@aol.com wrote:
> As far as the potential mechanical problems, double or triple-row the
>rivets per joint and they won't come apart. Make sure the element
>boom-to-element brackets are backed up with thru-bolts. And pay the extra 10%
>for the upgraded 100 MPH version.
Instead of double/triple-rowing the joint rivets why not use a couple of
small stainless screws/bolts with appropriate lock washers and nuts or
nylock nuts? As matter of fact if there is a need to double/triple-row
the rivets to prevent potential mechanical problems maybe rivets are not
the best way to secure the joints - just use screws/bolts? I know there
are many cases where pop-rivets are working just fine but to me they've
always seemed kind of a dubious method to make secure reliable long-lived
mechanical joints.
73 Phil NA4M
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Phil Duff NA4M na4m@arrl.net Georgetown, Texas