[Towertalk] Fw: Antigen found =*.pif file

Bill Otten Bill Otten" <res0958z@verizon.net
Fri, 26 Apr 2002 21:48:52 -0400

Okay......just got another of those strange messages provoked I'm sure by
one of the recent virii. Looks to me like someone who has KVOA on their
address book....and to the best of my knowledge from reading that header in
my previous message, someone who also has hsz102@psu.edu in their address
book might be able to clear this mystery up. Anyone??  Neither address is in
my address book, but then, I think we're dealing with a 'spoof' type of
virus that's so prevalent of late.  Obviously this computer also apparently
has MY address and name in the address book too....or it could not/would not
be using it as an alias. I've run my computer for virus's and have McAfee
Virus Scan Pro running with the absolute latest updates.

Bill KC9CS

----- Original Message -----
To: <res0958z@verizon.net>
Sent: Friday, April 26, 2002 9:38 pm
Subject: Antigen found =*.pif file

> Antigen for Exchange found name) .pif matching =*.pif file filter.
> The file is currently Removed.  The message, "[Towertalk] Anyone know how
> read these headers?", was
> sent from Bill Otten  and was discovered in IMC Queues\Inbound
> located at KVOA/STUDIO/POBOX.