[Towertalk] Tailtwister won't turn.
Lee Noonan
Wed, 7 Aug 2002 13:03:11 +1000
Can You tell Me how long it takes for Litium Base Grease to turn into
and does the grease Have to be in constant use for this to Happen....
I have always used Lithium Grease for every thing that needs grease.....
including 68 VW restoration & Rotators..
I used it in a Mitsubishi Van many years ago.. including the steering idler,
and after approx 5-6 years and many thousands of kms, although I greased it
regularly, it was badly pitted inside and Had to be replaced..... I thought
at the time it may have been from water as I had driven on flooded
Your Comments will be appreciated...
Lee Noonan VK2LEE
----- Original Message -----
From: "Eugene Jensen" <eugenejensen@nyc.rr.com>
To: <Towertalk@contesting.com>
Cc: "'David L. Thompson'" <thompson@mindspring.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2002 5:26 PM
Subject: RE: [Towertalk] Tailtwister won't turn.
Another interesting fact that is not known is that lithium base lubricants
over a period of time
if they are not periodically changed, literally start to develop a
hydrochloric acid base and will attack the metals that they are actually
lubricating, leaving badly pitted surfaces. In our case, unfortunately our
rotors stay in the air for years, and receive no periodic maintenance. So,
I would consider it just the nature of the beast and considering the life
expectancy of any mechanical device, it is actually not made to be
maintained until failure.
Gene K2QWD