[Towertalk] Fw: Shunt fed towers.on 80m maybe 160m

Robert Webb Robert Webb" <g0urr@btopenworld.com
Thu, 8 Aug 2002 09:43:06 +0100

> OK Guys, i have read the literature at various sources, from websites to
> ARRL antenna book ( best buy ) on how to shunt feed a tower. Now it comes
> doing it, a few things occurr to me.
> Should the shunt feed run exactly parallel to the tower.?
> Should the shunt feed be adjacent to a leg or a flat side ?
> How can i be certain that the tower is actually being used as a radiator.
> Maybe the shunt feed is acting as a vertical against the tower as a
> FYI the tower is a Versatower PB60 with a Cushcraft A3S on the top, a 40m
> loop in a triangle config fed at the top is at the 55ft point, and a small
> 2/70 vertical is on a side arm at abt 30ft. The sidearm is steel and is
> electrically connected to the tower. I  intend to attach the Shunt feed to
> this arm as it is directly above my ground termination conections. Youre
> thoughts please, Thanks in advance,
> Robert Webb