[Towertalk] Coax and Crank-Ups

Bill Hider (N3RR) n3rr@erols.com
Thu, 8 Aug 2002 15:54:08 -0400

I tie-off the coax to the arms and create a drip-loop at each one.
This is how I strain-relief each leg of the coax.

Bill, N3RR

----- Original Message -----
From: <k0myw@att.net>
To: <towertalk@contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 08, 2002 3:19 PM
Subject: [Towertalk] Coax and Crank-Ups

>   Recent comments warning against cinching coax with
> cable ties, etc., lead me to ask advice about a question
> I have with my crank-up tower.
>   It's a U.S. Tower model, and I have the U.S. Tower
> standoff arms. But I'm wondering if it's best to allow
> the coax to dangle freely through the standoffs or
> attach the coax at each standoff.
>   I know the subject was discussed in the distant past,
> but no answer I've found seems based upon what's best
> for the coax. Most seem based on whether the coax looks
> better draped from each standoff when the tower is
> cranked down, or is neater if the coax is allowed to
> drop freely through the standoffs and coil at the base.
>   Looking at the situation from the standpoint of being
> nice to the coax, rather than from the asthetics of the
> tower when it's retracted, what do experienced crankup
> owners think is the best approach?
>   If attaching "fragile" low-loss coax to the standoffs
> is the preferred technique, what is the best method of
> attachment to avoid the sorts of compression problems
> that recent postings have warned about?
>   Or if allowing the coax to slide through the standoffs
> is the way to go, any suggestions about how to prevent
> abrasion to the coax jackets as they pass through the
> standoff rings when the tower is raised or lowered?
>   de Mike, KØMYW
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