[Towertalk] Antennas vs. Antennae and Lightning vs. Lightening

Chris BONDE ve7hcb@rac.ca
Sun, 18 Aug 2002 16:53:16 -0700

Sorry, cannot understand what you wrote.
I think that if a legal document was written in other than English in 
certain United States, the litigation lawyers would make a fair sum of money.
Chris opr VE7HCB

At 06:51 AM 2002-08-17 -0400, Jerry Keller wrote:
>wut on erth ar yew all gettin sew ecksited abowt? as long as we kin
>unnerstan wut peeple ar said abowt antenas an such, we ott tew leeve them
>aloan. yew shudent cast the furst stone unles yew ar purrfek yoreself. hey,
>it wernt tew long ago i myselve cudent evun spel amachoor raydeeo, an
>look... now i ar wun. sew lets tok abowt towers an antenas an such, not
>spelin an deafinishuns, ok?  awl dew respek,  k3bz
>-----Original Message-----
>From: towertalk-admin@contesting.com
>[mailto:towertalk-admin@contesting.com]On Behalf Of Lew
>Sent: Saturday, August 17, 2002 2:44 AM
>To: lew@teleport.com
>Cc: towertalk@contesting.com
>Subject: Re: [Towertalk] Antennas vs. Antennae and Lightning vs.
>Dear Treasured TowerTalkians,
>       I must respond to my esteemed and respected colleague's note
>regarding the apparent supercilious usage of certain terms peculiar to
>Amateur Radio. W0UN has my utmost respect as a builder, theoretician and
>practitioner of the radio arts. His concerns about "lightning vs
>lightening" and the misuse of "forte" is appreciated and correct in my
>part of the world.
>      Unfortunately the Sept. 2002 issue of QST hasn't made its way to
>the west coast yet, so I can't comment upon K0OVQ's concerns regarding
>"antennae vs antennas". I must object, however when John dons his
>linguist lid and rails against a perfectly acceptable use of the term
>"antennae" as applied to the plural of antenna.
>ANTENNA (pl. -tennae, pr. -ten-ee, -tennas) 1) one of a pair of flexible
>sensitive projections on the heads of insects, crustaceans, etc., a
>feeler 2) wire(s) or rod(s) used to transmit or receive radio waves, an
>      Definition from The Oxford American Dictionary, Heald Colleges
>Edition 1980
>      I can find no notations confining one particular spelling to one
>definition over another. In fact since most Amateur Radio Operators are
>getting rather crusty as we age, the antennae spelling would be much
>more accurate in defining our plural aerials along with those creepy
>things leading the bugs about our abodes.
>       Disagreements pertaining to not only the spelling of terms, but
>the pronunciations of them are generally filled with hilarity and mirth.
>The example of how to say the word "hear" is an example. Several
>American dialects say this word so that it rhymes with the word "year".
>However this same word "hear", is also pronounced to sound like an
>evolving gastronomical accident and not only is decoded correctly but is
>   expected to sound like that to the locals in certain areas of our country.
>       Discussions about such things maintain the rigor needed in any
>field of endeavor, otherwise rigor mortis sets in and we are doomed.
>For example perhaps soon "KISS" might be shortened to simply "KS". Is
>this correct usage? Time and practice will tell.
>     73 and I remain,
>     Lew     W7EW
>        KS
>      Dr. ("there are no bugs in my antennae") BigGun     W7AT
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>Self Supporting Towers, Wireless Weather Stations, see web site: 
>Call 888-333-9041 to place your order, mention you saw this ad and take an 
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