[Towertalk] Re: Tri-Ex Coax Stand-off Arms To Be Fabricated
Robin Midgett
Thu, 22 Aug 2002 08:53:33 -0500
If there is that much demand for them, I could fabricate some. Is someone
on the list willing to either sketch them for me, or shoot some digi photos
& E-mail them to me with dimensions?
I'd have to have more than $15 for a set of three, but not much more. If
the timing works out, I can have them hot dip galvanized. I have a load of
tower to be galvanized soon.
At 08:51 PM 8/21/2002 -0700, Bob Kocisko wrote:
>The coax arms are sold. Wish I had abt 12 sets of them based on all of
>the interest.
>Tnx & 73,
>Bob, K6PF
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Bob Kocisko" <k6pf@ix.netcom.com>
>To: "Forsale-Swap Net" <forsale-swap@mailman.qth.net>
>Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2002 8:37 PM
>Subject: For Sale
>I hv three (3) coax standoff arms for sale that were part of the Tri-Ex
>WT-51 tower that I purchased some time ago. I'm running 7/8" heliax up
>the tower so, since I'm not using them, I'd like to sell them. Here's the
>approximate dimensions:
>1 is 18" long & will fit around a round tower leg that is 1 to 1.25" OD
>1 is 22" long & will fit around a tower leg that is 1 to 1.125" OD
>1 is 26" long & will fit around a tower leg that is 1 to 1.125" OD
>They are in xlnt condx & should fit any tower with round legs subject to
>the above outside diameter (OD) sizes.
>Price is only $15 for the set of 3 + shipping & insurance fm zip code
>Tnx & 73,
>Bob, K6PF
Robin Midgett KB4IDC
615-477-8976 cellular
615-322-5836 office
615-773-4198 home