[Towertalk] Trylon raising questions
Fri, 23 Aug 2002 00:03:46 -0700
I have to admit that yes, indeed, the gin pole did bend a bit when we
hauled up the 75 pound Yagi and very noticeably when we hauled up the 120
pound mast. If I had/have to do it again I'd probably use the quarter-inch
walled CM mast to lower/raise the Yagi from here on.
BTW, I had to rig up a couple of trolley ropes from the top of the tower
to the ground. I had virtually no clearance between the tower and some tree
limbs half way up the tower so I had to haul the Skyhawk Yagi up the side of
the tower nose up (director first.) I had tried pulling the thing up flat
against the side of the tower but the elements (which were underneath the
boom and against the tower during lifting) snagged on the bolts between the
Trylon sections. The trolley ropes allowed the antenna to slide up along
side the tower, but not touching it, until we got the Yagi to the top. Then
we did some fancy twisting and spinning of the antenna before we could slip
it into the keyhole slots in the mast-to-boom plate.
Wish we could have taken photos but all hands were occupied with lines
and aluminum.
73 de
Gene Smar AD3F
-----Original Message-----
From: n4kg@juno.com <n4kg@juno.com>
To: TOWERTALK@contesting.com <TOWERTALK@contesting.com>; n0rq@swbell.net
Date: Thursday, August 22, 2002 7:31 AM
Subject: Re: [Towertalk] Trylon raising questions
>My personal rule for Rohn Gin Poles is:
>NEVER EVER use a Gin Pole to raise antennas.
>Don't even think about it.... NEVER !
>The reason is simple: The gin pole is designed for
>LIGHT VERTICAL LIFTS. ANY significant load
>would exceed it's load rating. ANY significant SIDE
>load can / will BEND the thin wall aluminum tube.
>I use the TRAM method for raising / lowering my Yagi's.
>I attach the tram rope and pullup pulley to my MAST.
>Think about it: which is stronger, a THICK WALL
>STEEL MAST secured in the center of your tower, or a
>THIN WALL ALUMINUM Gin Pole attached to a tower leg?
>I second Steve's (K7LXC) recommendation for separate
>crane lifts of the tower and mast loaded with the antennas.
>Tom N4KG
>On Wed, 21 Aug 2002 "Dave Dunbar, N0RQ" <n0rq@swbell.net> writes:
>> I have a Trylon T600 - 64', hopefully going up in a few weeks. A few
>> questions, if I may...
>> It will be assembled on the ground and raised by a crane. How does
>> one attach a Rohn 25 ginpole to the top for the purpose of hauling
>> the HF beam (Force 12 XR-5) to the top? Is there some better way to
>> get it up there?
>> Also, how much stuff can I attach to the tower before the crane
>> arrives? (The theory being it is easier to do it on the ground than
>> in the air.) I plan to have the rotor and coax switch mounted,
>> along with the associated cables (tied up inside the tower), but can
>> I also have mounted:
>> * the mast (9' of which is above the thrust bearing)?
>> * the 6m beam (M2 12' boom) at the top of the mast?
>> * the side brackets for the side-mounted 2m vertical?
>> * the 3' PVC stubs that will hold the pulleys for the dipoles?
>> How much risk is there in installing those before it is lifted up?
>> Any suggestions for the crane operator -- how far up to attach the
>> crane, what to use or not use as a strap around the legs, do or
>> don'ts for lifting, etc.
>> Many thanks.
>> --
>> Dave, N0RQ
>> n0rq@swbell.net
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