[Towertalk] Create RC5B-3 mast clamps
Jim White
Sun, 25 Aug 2002 18:50:21 -0400
Yes, this was the first rotor to raise the spectre of a crack
problem...seem to remember K5RC (perhaps Productivity Resources)
marketed a replacement set of clamps which were very good but also very
pricey - they may have been SS - but my memory is vague - this was about
20 years ago!
I have several RC5B3's and some have 4 bolt and others 6 bolt boom to
mast clamps - believe the six bolters were the later ones...
Some guys place something like emery paper in the the clamps about the
pipe to increase the resistance to slipping...am not aware of a spec for
your torque wrench but if they are tight to your satisfaction and there
is slippage mebbe that is good - It seems to me there has to be a place
for something to slip otherwise something will break...and the best
place for release seems to me to be at the rotor - a lot easier re-align
that versus realign an individual yagi especially if you have stacks on
the same mast!
Anyone have an extra connector plug for an RC5B3?
Matt & Carrie Trott wrote:
> I finally changed out my Yaesu SDX1000 rotor that literally disintigrated
> after 6 years of faithfully turning a 402CD and 205BAS.
> I replaced it with a used Create RC5B-3 that I purchased several years ago,
> but had never used. My question is: Has anyone ever cracked a mast clamp
> using this rotor? It looks stouter than the Yaesu ones, which I know were
> prone to cracking if tightened too hard. But this one is aluminum also, and
> I just wondered if I could lean on the clamp bolts without worry, because
> the antennas are wandering a bit in the wind.
> Also, I noticed in some pictures I found on the web that this particular
> model shows six (6) mast clamp bolts (3 per side). Mine only has four (4)
> mast clamp bolts (2 per side). Did they change this some where along the
> line? I know it's an RCB5-3 cuz it's stamped in the casting and also sez so
> on the control unit. Any info appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Matt--K7BG
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