[Towertalk] Bi-Square Antenna
Jeffrey Clarke
Mon, 26 Aug 2002 16:17:02 -0700 (PDT)
Hi Y'all,
I am limited to only wire antennas at my present QTH and trying to
think of some good gain wire antennas to put up. I was thinking of a
Bi-Square for 10 meters - if you short the top you could use it as a
quad loop on 20 meters. Anyone ever put one of these up and have any
suggestions on how to feed them (450 ohm open-wire?) and a quick and
easy way to short the top (relay?) ??? Any other suggestions for
antennas (for 20-15-10) would be appreciated. Right now I have more
room up then across my backyard (it's maybe 50x50 ft) with some nice
high trees. Presently have up a center-fed zepp with open wire (cut for
40 meters)in a Inverted Vee configuration up about 60 ft or so.
73's Jeff KU8E (/4)
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