[Towertalk] Force 12 vs. Cushcraft who wins?

K4BEV@aol.com K4BEV@aol.com
Mon, 2 Dec 2002 10:37:35 EST

In a message dated 12/2/02 08:17:32 Central Standard Time, k3bz@arrl.net 

> Absolutely. Add me to the list of those who think Steve has many times over
> earned the right to put anything on here he wants, especially when it's as
> directly on topic as his antenna shoot-off.  

Add me to the list too.
VY TNX for this reflector Steve! It's one of the best on the internet.
If YOU want to sell your car on this reflector it's OK with me.

Thanks again!
Don - K4BEV

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