[Towertalk] RE: Yaesu G1000SDX
Erik Jakobsen
Mon, 2 Dec 2002 21:54:28 +0100
On Mon, 2 Dec 2002 15:36:29 -0500
"Rudy Marcelletti, K8SWD" <rudym@net-link.net> wrote:
> Erik: You take a lightning hit? I don't computer control my G1000SDX, but you describe what mine did for a while after a close strike, or direct hit--I don't know which. The needle would spin around uncontrollably and sometimes point in the right direction, sometimes not. When I would look outside, the antenna was aiming correctly where I had the preset pointing, but the needle would spin wildly, but would eventually stop in the vacinity where I was pointed. Well, this summer I took another hit--direct I think. It wiped out about $3,500.00 of on non-ham stuff in the house, but only 2 ham power supplies. My rotor is now FIXED! No explanation for it other than something up top was loose as my controller was disconnected at the time of the storm, and lightning fixed it!
Hi Rudy.
So far I do not know about a lightning attack here :-).
I'm not quite sure if the antenna is being rotated with the same speed as the needle does. But of course I'll have a look at it.
Will give it a try with the presets. Once I was out it seemed that the antenna did rotate according to the needle, but I'm not sure.
Well I'll be back when I have done the test.
Tnx for your kind replying.
> Rudy Marcelletti, K8SWD
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Med venlig hilsen - Best regards.
Erik Jakobsen - erik@urbakken.dk
Registered Linux user #114875 - http://counter.li.org