[Towertalk] Pouring base of tower
Dean Craft
Mon, 2 Dec 2002 16:49:34 -0500
I have been following this thread simply because it is interesting. Not
trying to flame anyone, but the one thing that appears to be missing in all
of the advise, is a source of authority for any of the methods being
described (or information presented). I for one would like to hear what a
concrete professional has to say about it. Surely there is a 'standard'
that has been developed and published somewhere! Is there a
'concreteologist' in the house? o;)
Dean -- W4IHK
-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Sessions <k4rv@mindspring.com>
To: TowerTalk <towertalk@contesting.com>
Date: Monday, December 02, 2002 2:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Towertalk] Pouring base of tower
>So which is correct- join two
>separate pours with epoxy- or not?
>Tom K4RV