[Towertalk] Fire, Electrical and other saftey codes

Lee Noonan vk2lee@maxnet.net.au
Tue, 3 Dec 2002 13:20:37 +1100

The safety Laws in Australia have changed dramatically in the past few
years... and the reason... I believe because there are so many dim witted
people about... and don't know whats safe and whats not!!!
 Motorised push lawn mowers had stickers attached 6 years ago because some
one tried to LIFT his mower across his concrete path by placing His hands
under the deck,,, the rotating blades did the rest... and He sued .. as
there were NO instructions on the mower advising Users - NOT   to place
Hands under the deck with the engine running!!!  as the blades would cut all
Your fingers off....

About 20 years ago everything electrical in Australia had to be earthed ,
sorry grounded... and used PVC covered 3 core cable.. [the only exception
being lamps with 2 core, even the brass lamps, which I would never
touch ]...
 Now, Most items have only two core cable and the extra PVC outer covering
is no longer used....
Is 240V AC  No Longer Dangerous as it was 40 years ago....
I still earth anything with a metal case..... even Light fittings....
Double insulated - why Not triple???
IMHO    As far as Safety goes... I do whatever I think is necessary..... and
running antenna cables down the elevator shaft - can be safe- and probably
can be unsafe - depends entirely on the user-installer....
 If He thinks He can drop the cables down the elevator shaft   SAFELY  ---
He should do it--   I know I would   -
regardless of the rules in Arizona ,Texas , California or Australia....

No flames please....

----- Original Message -----
From: "Hisashi T Fujinaka" <htodd@twofifty.com>
To: <TOWERTALK@contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 4:43 AM
Subject: Re: [Towertalk] Fire, Electrical and other saftey codes

> The point is that everything is a tradeoff. You don't live in a flameproof
> suit, do you? Everyone has their own standards of safety, every country
> has their own standards of safety, heck, every state has different
> electrical codes.
> So quoting from the NEC like it's something carved in stone just makes you
> sound silly.
> I'll stop now.
> On Mon, 2 Dec 2002, Tom Miller wrote:
> > I was reading a couple of weeks ago on Towertalk reflector about how
> > somebody wanted to run his coax thru an elevator shaft.  I mentioned
> > the NEC does not allow that.  I was tronced upon at once and reminded
> > it was a south american country and they did not follow the nec.  They
> > missed the point.  I heard about the fire that killed 43 yesterday
> > of faulty wiring.  The whole point of NEC is not laws but fire saftey.
> > the nec been followed there there would have been no fire.  Also if the
> > laws here had been followed there might not have been any deaths.
> > I been on a lot of construction jobs where the contractor complains
> > Fire Saftey Laws and how much crap they are.  The rules are written to
> > protect "life and Property" not to give someone a job.
> >
> > Saftey is a trade off between cost and lives.  How much is your life
> > your families?
> >
> > Tom Miller AC5TM
> > ARRL Life Member
> > CSVHF Life Member