[Towertalk] New Rotator In Place; Mast Now Binds

n4kg@juno.com n4kg@juno.com
Wed, 4 Dec 2002 09:58:07 -0600

Actually, Rohn manufactures 5 different types of "pointy top" sections
plus the "flat top" section.  See the Rohn catalog for details, including
the PIPE Diameter at the Top which range from 2.0 to 2.75 inches O.D.

Tom  N4KG

On Tue, 3 Dec 2002 10:12:51 -0800 Steve Katz <stevek@jmr.com> writes:
> I'd replace the pointy-top section with a flat-top one and use a 2" 
> thrust
> bearing.  And also a 2" mast.  Since you're in for thunderstorms and 
> high
> winds, work done in such conditions will be perfect, and will last 
> forever!
> But it does sound like you need to shim the mast-to-rotor interface 
> to
> center up the rotating mast better.  That's normal.  The HAM series 
> rotors
> only center the mast when the mast used is 2-1/6" diamenter, I 
> believe, and
> anything smaller O.D. will rotate out of centricity, causing 
> precisely the
> problem you have.  The last pointy-top R25 section I owned (many 
> years ago)
> would not even pass a 2" mast, let alone allow one to rotate.
> WB2WIK/6

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