[Towertalk] 40-2cd on 30 metres

Ward Silver hwardsil@centurytel.net
Fri, 6 Dec 2002 08:20:11 -0800

The 40-2CD plays very poorly on 30-meters, but in the silver-lining =
department, that means it doesn't interact much with 30-meter antennas =
nearby.  I put up a full-sized 30-meter dipole (made from bits of an old =
KLM 40-meter beam element) right in the middle of my 40-2CD.  The two =
antennas barely notice each other and both play well independently.  =
Plus, if I squint, I can pretend that the combination is really a =
3-element 40-meter beam :-)

73, Ward N0AX

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