[Towertalk] Roof Tower stuff.... 2 by 4s, city, :(
Jon Ogden
Sat, 07 Dec 2002 13:03:15 -0600
First mistake: Going to the city to get a permit for a roof tower.
If you were going to put up a small roof tripod for a TV antenna would you
get a permit? Likely not.
I've said this many, many times. But now the can of worms is open.
Moral of the story: Tis better to beg forgiveness than to ask permission.
If you or anyone else just puts a roof tower up and does it properly with
good engineering, then likely no one will notice. The city does not send
people out and about looking to see who has a new tower up! Likely the
inspector will have NO clue about what is or isn't needed. Secondly, the
tower isn't a permanent structure attachment either. So there's all kinds
of outs with the city if you don't take it to them first.
Now you are in a pickle and you'll have to do a lot more work than was
necessary. If you would have just put it up, the city probably wouldn't
have said anything. And if they then did, what they would do would want to
inspect it then and you'd have to pay a fine. The fine is typically double
the permit cost. And that is a LOT less than what you will have to pay to
have an engineer look at your idea.
Next time, just throw it up. I've had my 14.5 foot roof tower up for 5
years and no one has said boo. And I just threw up 50 feet of Rohn 25 too.
And my city officially says that you have to get a permit just to even wire
in a new light fixture!
Now, as for your 2x4 problem. That sucks that your house isn't better
built. You can easily design a mount that will reinforce your 2x4s and will
make it stronger than Glen Martin's drawing. Several of us have discussed
this hear before. If you want pictures from my attic, I can provide them.
Likely, the way your city sounds, you are just going to have to get an
engineer anyhow, so do what he would suggest. Putting up any kind of a
tower is going to cost money, so belly up to the bar.
I just despise the attitude that we have developed in this country where we
have to run to the government for permission to do something on our own
PRIVATE property. Screw them! It's my property. I own it and if I do a
proper, well-engineered job and I have the ability to do such whose damn
business is it but mine. And I am not just talking about towers here
either! Whatever happened to private property rights!
on 12/7/02 7:15 AM, Jason Hissong at jhisson1@columbus.rr.com wrote:
> I just noticed that my garage uses 2x4's for trusses (why I did not pick
> this up before I will never know). The GM instructions show 2x6's. Can I
> still put this thing up?
> The city is giving me a hard time on putting this up. GM uses BOCA 1993
> standards and the city requires the new 2002 standards. Also, GM has a
> "disclaimer" that I may need an engineer to come in and analyze the
> structure. The city picked up on that immediately. (This is a standard
> disclaimer that GM does)... I may have to hire an engineer but how much
> would that cost?
> My tower woes begin... I thought I was going to put it up today... buit not
> going to happen..
Jon Ogden
NA9D (ex: KE9NA)
Citizen of the People's Democratic Republik of Illinois
Life Member: ARRL, NRA
"A life lived in fear is a life half lived."